Calendula’s Curing Capability

Calendula a.k.a. ‘poor man’s saffron’ is derived from the humble Marigold flower. Let that not detract from the fact that its extract of essential oil is among the most powerful antiviral herbs known to man. Perhaps not so humble after all!

Classic calendula clout alert: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria capitulate to calendula’s potent organic power. Be prepared to be impressed.

Babies Through to the Elderly Use Calendula to Cure

Topical, or skin application of this wonderfully powerful ingredient suits little ones, seniors, and everyone in between. Here are some of its ‘A-list’ list capabilities, so you understand why it has such a broad-spectrum effect:

  • Antiviral
  • Antiseptic
  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory

On those properties alone, in alphabetical order, you’re looking at solving: acne, athlete’s foot, bedsores, bites, burns, bruising, cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, dry skin. eczema, jock-itch (no kidding), nappy rash, psoriasis, ringworm, and sunburn. Not too shabby!

Calendula and Collagen

Most tend to add collagen powder to smoothies and other liquids to get it into the system. That’s one route, but always understand that when you ‘self-medicate’ or put into the body, substances that use the digestive system, the body will take what it can use immediately and the rest is discarded in the urine.

The beauty of a topical delivery is that there is no waste. Organic properties in Calendula for example stimulate the collagen production of the skin itself, so it produces what it needs when it needs it and where it’s needed. Clever, right?

Calendula’s Spectacular Solutions

  • Hair and Scalp
  • Calendula promotes healthy hair growth, arrests certain hair fallout, and sends dandruff packing. The essential oil can treat ingrown hairs too, moisturize your scalp and pump up the collagen production that results in healthy hair.

  • Oral Hygiene
  • A couple of drops of Calendula essential oil in water works wonders for gum health. Think of all those ‘A-list’ properties and how many of those are needed in your mouth to fight gum disease. 

    Remember the hot tip above about the clout Calendula has against stubborn, antibiotic-resistant bacteria? Well, now you know how great it will be as a regular mouthwash. Reducing oral bacteria retards dental cavities, maintains gum health, and retards halitosis (bad breath).

  • Pain
  • Muscle and joint pain are relieved by the gentle healing and awesome cooling effect of the Calendula.  That capability originates from its anti-inflammatory properties. In a topical cream or balm preparation, such as Supersalve you have the perfect proportion of Calendula with other potent healing ingredients.

    • Stress
      After your workout, or whenever your body feels strained, a few drops in your hot bath reduce body stress, muscle pain and will relax tension.

    • Concentration & Mood
      Pop a few drops of Calendula essential oil in your diffuser and feel your spirits lifting. Absorbing Calendula this way aids concentration and improves your immunity - again, think of the ‘A-list’ and how much good you’re putting into the air you and your family breathe.

    Calendula Essential Oil Hot Tips:

    1. Dermatitis caused by breast cancer radiation treatment heals well with regular applications.  The essential oil can be added to the carrier cream of your choice.
    2. Poison Ivy reaction on the skin is soothed by Calendula on the affected site.
    Calendula essential oil organic skin cure

    If this makes you see the humble marigold flower in a new light then, mission accomplished. Get yourself a few little bottles and see just how much you and your family can benefit from its many uses.

    Feel free to explore the Cures & Creams online store and source the natural remedy that’s just right for you and your loved ones.

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