What is Your Hair Trying to Tell You?

 ‘The health of the hair is often associated with the health of the body’. -  David Pariser, MD.

Spending hours curling, straightening, cutting, blow-drying, and chemically treating your hair may at times give you the look you want, but don’t let all that blind you to what your hair is trying to tell you.

Trichologist (hair and scalp health) Anabel Kingsley notes: ‘Hair is an excellent barometer for general health because it is viewed by the body as a non-essential and dispensable tissue—it is not essential to survival. Your hair is therefore often the first part of you to suffer when something is not quite right health-wise.’ 

What Anabel means is that your body will recruit from less vital places what it needs for essential parts. So when your hair suffers, it may be because your body is busy trying to support critical functioning. 

Your Hair Tells Your Story

Scientist at the Centre For Forensic Sciences in Toronto, Catherine McCarthy, points out that ‘hair is kind of like the rings in a tree trunk. Because it grows at a certain speed, you can tell when the drug was being used and what kind of drug.’ 

You read that correctly! Your strands of hair are not just loaded with your DNA markers, they have also stored and recorded your life. That’s how forensic scientists and certain health modalities find out what drugs a person used and when!

However, ‘rapid changes and hair loss in areas not generally associated with regular baldness patterns can be a sign that something is wrong’, says David Pariser, MD, a Virginia dermatologist.

Common Hair Alerts

Itchy scalp? A Zinc deficiency usually results in itchy scalp. Get yourself an organic supplement to balance out your daily vitamin and mineral intake.

Weak or dull hair? You’ve been overexposed to the sun or used too many chemicals. You know what to do!

Dandruff? Usually an unhealthy or unbalanced diet results in dandruff. Improve your menu and lifestyle and see the difference.

Pattern baldness? Besides hereditary factors, recent studies suggest that hair loss may increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. It is especially important to get checked out if such health issues run in your family. Taking organic supplements also help -  noticeably!

Hair loss? Possibly an iron deficiency or thyroid issues. There are several endocrine disorders that could cause your locks to look less luscious, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and parathyroid disorder. Herbal supplements can be a powerful corrective measure.

Premature gray? Often stress-induced lack of Vit B12 results in gray hairs. But work on stressing less too!

In conclusion; hair is an eternal indicator of internal imbalance. Learn to 'read' what your hair is trying to tell you. 

We’ll leave the last word to hair health expert, Caitlyn Perkins: ‘Think of your hair like a plant. If you give it all the right things, it will grow beautifully!’ 

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