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Milk Thistle Capsules

Milk Thistle Capsules

Regular price R 174.00
Regular price R 183.00 Sale price R 174.00
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Milk Thistle is a simple herbal preparation of Silymarin that supports many body functions - see More Information.

Capsules: 30 

Milk thistle is helpful to have on standby in case of hangovers.

Delivery within 2-4 business days


• Tones skin
• Body Detox
• Anti-Oxidant
• Blood Cleanser
• Anti-Inflammatory
• Improves Liver Function
• Counters excess alcohol intake
• Lowers LDL- the 'bad' cholesterol
• Counters indigestion and heartburn
• Counters amyloid plaques, reducing mental decline


70mg Silymarin

80% milk thistle extract

Calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper boron, cobalt and selenium


2 x capsules per day



People with allergies to ragweed, daisies, artichokes, kiwi, or plants in the aster family may also be allergic to milk thistle.

Milk thistle can cause an allergic reaction, especially if you’re allergic to other plants in the same family, such as ragweed, dandelion,  daisies, marigolds, and chrysanthemums. 

Don’t take it if you have breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids - it can mimic estrogen. 

If you are taking medication for Diabetes, Hep C, Diazepam, or Warfarin, please check with your practitioner as to how much Milk Thistle you can take.

Shipping & Returns

Orders over R450 in total get FREE SHIPPING anywhere in SA - otherwise, the standard R130 applies per delivery to your door.

Please see our Shipping policy for more information.

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